The NCIS Unit provides support and guidance to all approved third party researchers throughout the various stages of their project. General guidance is available here.
For project specific advice, email the following information to (External link):
- project number
- summary of query.
See Troubleshooting + frequently asked questions for assistance with common user queries.
Project management
Access agreements
All approved third party research projects are issued a copy of the executed access agreement. It is recommended that a copy of the access agreement is made available to all researchers.
Changes to an executed access agreement require submission of an amendment.
Project number
All approved third party research projects are assigned a unique project number used as a reference throughout the project's lifecycle.
- Mxxxx - Third party research projects accessing Australian data
- NZxxx - Third party research projects accessing New Zealand data.
Nominated contacts
There is a need for communication between the NCIS Unit and researchers to occur throughout the various stages of a project’s lifecycle, from the initial application to project closure. To ensure clarity and appropriate oversight of communications and any changes requested, the NCIS Unit utilises the various roles within a project as named on the application form as authorised points of contact.
This guideline provides information on the relevant project contact the NCIS Unit will communicate with on a range of topics.
Guide - Approved projects - Contact persons (PDF, 174.16 KB) (External link)
Data access levels
Third party researcher applicants are required to nominate which access level they are seeking as part of the application process.
Guidelines governing direct access to the NCIS were developed by the Australian and New Zealand State and Chief Coroners and have been endorsed by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General. The guidelines provide for two levels of access:
- Level 1: Access to all data related to closed cases – including case reports where available –and non-identifying access to open cases.
- Level 2: Access to non-identifying data for closed cases only.
Applicants seeking Level 1 access must clearly outline why identifying information is required, and how the privacy and security of this sensitive information will be managed.
This guideline provides information about the different access levels and the type of data available.
Usage audits
The NCIS Unit conducts usage audits to examine the searches performed by a user and cases accessed to verify that usage is in line with the approved purpose. User audits form part of compliance monitoring activities undertaken by the NCIS Unit.
Usage audits are performed quarterly and users are selected randomly. The NCIS Unit may contact a user for further information when examining audit results.
Reporting breaches of access conditions
All approved third party researchers must notify the NCIS Unit of suspected breaches of their access agreement.
To report a breach
Email the following information to (External link):
- NCIS project number
- nature of breach
- actions taken to date.
Do not send identifying case information (such as name) in your email.
Reporting issues of concern to public health and safety
Notifying the NCIS Unit of issues of concern to public health and safety is a standard condition of all third party research project access agreements.
An issue of concern is any identified risk factor that has the potential to cause death or injury, regardless of whether there is pre-existing knowledge of such factors, that requires further investigation or action to prevent future death or injury.
Further information is available in the guideline:
Guide - Reporting issues of concern to public health and safety (PDF, 80.92 KB) (External link)
To report an issue
Email the following information to (External link):
- NCIS project number
- completed reporting form.
Reporting publications from research
A copy of any report or publication based on or containing NCIS data must be provided to the NCIS Unit for review prior to being published.
To submit a publication
Email the following information to (External link):
- NCIS project number
- Completed publication submission form
- Copy of publication in separate attachment (word or PDF format).
The NCIS Unit will complete a review of the publication and may provide comments. Allow 2 weeks for NCIS Unit review and comments.
Acknowledging the NCIS
Where publications are made based on or containing NCIS data, acknowledgements are required for the NCIS as the database source of data, and the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety as the source organisation of data.
Project closure
The NCIS Unit contacts third party research projects six months before their completion date to confirm whether the project will continue. Details on how to extend or renew access will be provided where projects intend to continue.
Projects that close will be sent a final email advising of their project's expiry and the deactivation of their users for NCIS Online.
Projects wishing to close early must contact the NCIS Unit for further advice.
Project amendments
Approved third party research project may require changes or updates throughout the life of the project. The following guidelines provide advice about how and when to contact the NCIS Unit about changes.
Amendment types and submission process
Changes to an approved project may occur during the project's lifecycle. Approved third party researchers are required to submit an amendment to reflect any changes being made to the project. This could include core changes such as methodology or security measures changes or administrative changes such as researchers being added or removed from a project.
This guideline provides information about types of changes that require an amendment being submitted and the process to follow.
Guide - Approved projects - Submitting amendments (PDF, 119.68 KB) (External link)
Submitting an amendment - Projects accessing Australian data in the NCIS
The Justice Human Research Ethics Committee (JHREC) amendment form (External link) and the NCIS Third party research amendment request form must be completed for all amendment requests related to projects accessing Australian data in the NCIS.
All amendment requests must be submitted to the NCIS Unit for review in the first instance.
To submit an amendment
Email the following information (External link):
- NCIS project number
- completed JHREC amendment form
- completed NCIS amendment form.
Submitting an amendment - Projects accessing New Zealand data in the NCIS
The NCIS amendment form must be completed for amendment requests related to projects accessing New Zealand data in the NCIS.
All amendment requests must be submitted to the NCIS Unit for review in the first instance.
To submit an amendment
Email the following information to (External link):
- NCIS project number
- completed NCIS amendment form.
Adding and removing researchers
Changes in project researchers are common throughout a project's lifecycle. Approved third party researchers are required to submit an amendment when researcher changes occur.
This guideline provides information about the types of amendments required to update the approved researchers associated with a project.
Guide - Approved projects - Adding and removing researchers (PDF, 93.94 KB) (External link)
Data extract service
Approved NCIS third party researchers may request data extracts relating to data fields that are not available for export through NCIS Online. Data extracts may also be requested for complex queries that cannot be easily run by the user through NCIS Online.
Request a data extract
Download and complete the data extract request form, providing as much detail as possible.
To submit a request
Email the following information to (External link):
- completed data extract request form
- cohort details in separate attachment (if applicable).
Do not send identifying case information (such as name) in your email.
Research publication guidelines
Publications developed as an output of a third party research project that use NCIS data must adhere to the conditions of the project’s approved access agreement. Researchers must be aware of the conditions in their NCIS access agreement when accessing, analysing and reporting on data.
Refer to the above Reporting publications from research section for details on how to submit publications for review.
The following guidelines provide advice on appropriate methods of presenting NCIS data in publications:
Using the intent data field for NCIS cases
This guideline provides advice on the use and interpretation of the intent data field and codes in the NCIS.
Guide - Approved projects - Using the intent data field (PDF, 135.35 KB) (External link)
Reporting low frequencies
Researchers may identify low frequencies in the NCIS data they are using and wish to report them in publications.
This guideline provides advice on appropriate methods to present low frequencies modelled on NCIS Unit practices when preparing data results for external use.
Guide - Approved projects - Reporting low frequencies (PDF, 206.09 KB) (External link)
Reporting age ranges
Researchers may wish to report on age ranges of deceased persons identified in NCIS data.
The NCIS Unit recommends reporting on age ranges according to the age standard guidelines (External link) provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Writing case summaries
Researchers may identify specific cases of interest in the NCIS data they are using and wish to report them in publications.
This guideline provides advice on appropriate methods to present case summaries modelled on current NCIS Unit practices when preparing data results for external use.
Guide - Approved projects - Case summaries (PDF, 196.1 KB) (External link)