NCIS Classroom sessions are practical, online training sessions designed to provide users with knowledge and skills to use the system to best utilise the NCIS for their approved purpose. Sessions include demonstrations, tips and tricks and question time.

Classroom session are available to approved death investigators and third party researcher users only.

All sessions are delivered using Microsoft Team. You do not need a Microsoft Teams account to join.

All NCIS training sessions on offer are outlined in the Training schedule.



Database orientation

The database orientation session provides new approved users with an orientation of the NCIS Online menus and screens. It may also be beneficial for returning NCIS approved users.

Guidance on how to build searches and interpret results is not included in this session. Online resources are available about the data and how to use the system. Additionally, advanced training and support options are available. 

Sessions include a 20 minute presentation followed by 10 minutes for questions. 


All new users should attend a database orientation session. You will be sent an invitation to the next available session as part of the induction process.

Contact us if you have not received an invitation and believe you should.

2025 schedule

  • Wednesday 5 February 2025 at 1.30pm (AEDT) 
  • Thursday 6 March 2025 at 11.30am (AEDT)
  • Wednesday 9 April 2025 at 1.30pm (AEDT)
  • Thursday 8 May 2025 at 11.30am (AEST)
  • Wednesday 4 June 2025 at 1.30pm (AEST)
  • Thursday 10 July 2025 at 11.30am (AEST)
  • Wednesday 6 August 2025 at 1.30pm (AEST)
  • Thursday 4 September 2025 at 11.30am (AEST)
  • Wednesday 8 October 2025 at 1.30pm (AEDT)
  • Thursday 6 November 2025 at 11.30am (AEDT)
  • Wednesday 3 December 2025 at 1.30pm (AEDT)

Coding introduction

The NCIS Unit offers training to all nominated court staff with NCIS coding responsibilities. The sessions provides detailed instructions on how the database is structured and how to input case coding using NCIS Online.

The first session focuses on general data concepts and coding of demographic and contextual details, such as occupation, activity, date/time, case type, intent, location information and cause of death. This session is scheduled for 3.5 hours.

The second session focuses on coding principles for mechanism and object data fields. This session is scheduled for 1.5 hours.

To submit a coder training request

Email the following information to (External link):

  • organisation name
  • expected number of participants
  • proposed dates.

2025 schedule

  • Wednesday 19 March 2025 at 11.30am (AEDT) & Thursday 20 March 2025 at 11.30am (AEDT)
  • Wednesday 11 June 2025 at 11.30am (AEST) & Thursday 12 June 2025 at 11.30am (AEST)
  • Wednesday 17 September 2025 at 11.30am (AEST) & Thursday 18 September 2025 at 11.30am (AEST)
  • Wednesday 26 November 2025 at 11:30am (AEDT) & Thursday 27 November 2025 at 11.30am (AEDT)

How to use the system and search

How to use the system and search sessions provide approved users with guidance on using the NCIS Online search screens and build search queries for common topics.

The sessions are based on the corresponding how-to guides available in How to use the system + search (External link). Additionally, advanced training and support options are available. 

Sessions run for 45 minutes including time for questions. 


Registrations are essential.

Visit the Training schedule to register.

2025 schedule

  • How to use the NCIS search functions - Thursday 20 February at 11.30am (AEDT)
  • How to search for demographics + drowning and water-related deaths Thursday 20 March at 11.30am (AEDT)
  • How to search for case type/intent type + drug-related deaths - Wednesday 16 April at 11.30am (AEDT)
  • How to search for multiple fatality events + fire-related deaths - Thursday 22 May at 11.30am (AEST)
  • How to search for transport-related deaths - Thursday 19 June at 11.30am (AEST)
  • How to use the NCIS search functions - Wednesday 23 July at 11.30am (AEST)
  • How to search for demographics + drowning and water-related deaths Thursday 21 August at 11.30am (AEST)
  • How to search for case type/intent type + drug-related deaths - Wednesday 17 September at 11.30am (AEST)
  • ​​​​​​​How to use the NCIS search functions - Thursday 23 October at 12.30pm (AEDT)
  • How to search for multiple fatality events + fire-related deaths - Thursday 20 November at 12.30pm (AEDT)
  • How to search for transport-related deaths - Thursday 11 December at 12.30pm (AEDT)